Monday, September 18, 2017

Tourism Object in Negara (Jembrana) Bali Indonesia

Tourism Object in Negara (Jembrana) Bali Indonesia
Rambut Siwi Temple

Village of Sangkaragung

Here there is art Jegog is a percussion that accompanies dance typical Balinese. Jegog is very famous especially in Japan, Every year Jegog will perform in Japan ± three times. While in Sangkarung Village itself Jegog will be staged at Sanggar Jegog Suar Agung every Sunday and Thursday to entertain tourists. Tourists can also play / beat Jegog in this studio.

West Bali National Park

    Located in Sumber Klampok Village Gerokgak District ± 70 km west of Singaraja City. West Bali National Park has an area of ​​77,000 hectares / 10% of the island land of Bali. Here there are a variety of forest and savanna habitats that number 160 species of animals and plants protected in this national park. Like the bulls, deer, monkeys (ancient monkeys / old worlds), bats (bat) and various birds including Balinese starlings are endangered species of Bali and very protected habitat and here there is a native habitat of white starling that is not found elsewhere in this world.

Bunut Bolong

    Bunut Bolong is located in the village of Manggisari Pekutatan district, 49 km to the east of the city State and approximately 86 km to the west of Denpasar City. This is a Bunut tree that grows unique because it has a thick root and in the middle of the roots there is a highway that connects the Pekutatan district with Buleleng district. The surroundings are beautiful with clove trees along the eye.

Rambut Siwi Temple

Located 18 Km to the east of Kota Negara (30 minutes) and 78 Km from the west of Denpasar (2 hours). In addition to praying for Hindus in this temple we can also see the beauty of the sea off / sunset with a wide stretch of rice fields and beautiful and beautiful scenery from a distant mountain.

 Palasari Dam

Located in Ekasari Village, Melaya District, 26 Km to the west of the State city. This dam has a function as flood control, irrigation, fishery and recreation area with a nice forest background and has a cool air. Equipped with a canoe that is used to facilitate tourists who want to surround this dam.

The Ancient Human Museum

Here there is an estimated human skeleton at the end of prehistoric times characterized by the Mongols Race. Not only that but here also beads beads, bracelets of wood and shells, small pots, jars, jugs, bowls from the ground, hooks, tugs, sarcophagus etc. are found from the excavation.


Is a race / competition by using a buffalo whose head in ornamental with a golden color as a towing vehicle called a cikar. This competition is followed in groups / groups where participants are divided into Western Groups and Eastern Groups. This competition is held during the event remained like Governor and Regent Cup and always accompanied by Jegog music and Mekepung dance performed by Jembrana young women.
