Tuesday, September 12, 2017

5 tourist objects in Kintamani Bali Indonesia

kitamani bali indonesia

Kintamani is one of the subdistricts in Bangli Regency where in Kintamani district there are some favorite tourist objects that are visited by many local, domestic and foreign tourists. Because the location of this tourist object is located in the highlands of Bali, the air in the area of ​​Kintamani is very cool and fresh. Kintamani, in addition to the cool and fresh air of many tourists who visit some tourist objects in Kintamani because of its natural beauty, as for 5 objects The following tours are a favorite of tourists when visiting Bali, especially Kintamani District:


1. Pengintokan Kintamani

In kintamani we will be presented with a very beautiful view with the view of Mount Batur and its lake. Tourism Object Penelokan has a height of approximately 1500 meters above sea level, so the air will feel very cool.
Penelokan Tourism is one of the favorite Tour in Kintamani, no wonder every day there are visitors who come to visit this Attraction object. Tourism object is very strategic place because it is right on the highway majors Bangli - Singaraja. around the object Penelokan already available Restaurants that provide a variety of culinary. besides in the area of ​​Attraction Penelokan there is also Museum of Batur Volcano.

2. Trunyan Village

Trunyan Village is one of the most unique tourist destinations in Bali. the unique of this village is the way of burial of the corpse that is not buried at all but on lie on the ground The corpses are only closed pelaji made from leaves. But none of the bodies put in the trunyan grave are stinking, and there is a large tree called tarumenyan tree, the tree that absorbs the smell so that the grave in this village remains fragrant without any stinging smell. Trunyan burial tradition has existed for hundreds of years, the corpse that may be placed in Trunyan cemetery is a corpse with a state of normal death no injury or disease. If the grave is full, then the bones will be removed until collected at the end. although arguably the object of this tour a little creepy but many tourists who visit there both local, domestic and foreign.

3. Object Tour Toya Bungkah Kintamani

Object Toya Bungkah is a place of warm water bath. Attraction This tour has been managed by Pekraman Batur Village which was then named Batur Natural Hot Spring. in the object This tour visitors can enjoy the sensation Bath in hot water shower with temperature 39-39 degrees Celsius. In Toya Bungkah Kintamani we can see the breathtaking view of Lake Batur in front of this pool.
In Toya Bungkah Kintamani baths there are 4 types of ponds are:
  • Hot water pool for children.
  • Hot Thermal Swimming Pool Hot Water Water, for hot water therapy. In the pool is a hot shower with water temperature of about 38 ° - 40 ° Celsius and you can position yourself against the fall of a hot shower on the body. I personally love to drop the shower in the back of the neck, how about you?
  • Floating Sunburn Pool. For those of you who like to soak in the sun with sun exposure, then the Floating Sunburn pool, perfect for you. For those who mengidolakan whites, you should choose another pool.
  • Swimming pool

4. Mount Batur

Mount Batur is one of the active volcanoes in Bali that has erupted many times. Even so, Mount Batur has a million charms of beauty. Mount Batur is usually used as a hiking place for climbers who want to feel different sensations. the first thing to do when you want to do the climb is to register at the Post Mountain Guard Mountain Guides Association.

5. Lake Batur Kintamani

Lake Batur Kintamani is one of the lake located in Kintamani Bangli area. lake batur is located in North Penelokan Village, approximately about 66 km from Denpasar. Lake Batur is located on the slopes of Mount Batur, Lake Batur is a lake that has an active caldera formed by volcanic eruption of Batur, and this lake is the largest lake in Bali. the color of water that is in Lake Batur can be changed is influenced by sulfur compounds that exist in the seabed so sometimes it looks bluish and turns yellowish green.
